вторник, 25 октября 2011 г.


Acryl on canvas
100x100 cm

And for those, who haven't been on Moscow, I publish real Moscow metro map.

пятница, 21 октября 2011 г.


The project reveals category of the gap, that always lies between a dream and reality. Selected photos share the hint of sadness, disappointment and nostalgia for the past, where all dreams seemed to be easily fulfilled, but when it comes to reality the check is not passed. The only way to avoid melancholia is to mind the gap before dreaming.

понедельник, 10 октября 2011 г.


Acryl on canvas
60x60 cm

суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.


Print on paper
Dimentions variable

In general the word code is a medium of communication – natural language (Russian, English etc.), artificial language as Esperanto, Morse code etc. In sociolinguistics code means the language foundation, which is normal in a certain language community. Decoding one of the main cultural unit – the poetry of Joseph Brodsky – into the latest code of 21st century – QR-code, is a reflection upon the direction, towards which the technical progress moves our society, and how innovations influence culture.