In psychiatry dual personality is a particular case of dissociative identity disorder – diagnosis that describes a condition in which a person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. The artwork “I am artist” is an attempt to reveal the symptoms of dual personality of the artist who is in the process of his creative self-identification. Contemporary society, which is aimed only for consumption, doesnt leave any space for activities, that doesnt lead to material wealth. Often they are being removed beyond the standards. While the majority of people run for prestigious positions, expensive cars and brand clothes, the irresistable desire of the artist to do art and his deliberate renunciation of exchanging private time for salary seem to be not normal and leads to hesitations about the correctness of the chosen path. In case the artists doesn’t have strong will power under the pressure of society he often shows conformism, rejecting his natural passion for art in favour of more “normal” types of activities. As a result the diagnosis that firstly was only metaphoric threatens to become reality.
The artwork consists of 3 diptychs, each of 70 x 100 cm size (acryl on canvas).

Right: I am artists and I am my own master
Left: Noone believes in me and it means I will fail
Right: I am artists and I do believe in myself, that's enough
Left: What is they all are right and I really don't have any talent?
Right: I am artist and fuck them all
Project 'I am artist' was exhibited at Martini Art Weekend exhibition (November 2011) and has been awarded the 1st prize - educational trip to London St.Martin's Collage of Art and Design.
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