Just finished reading a curious book by David Bayles and Ted Orland - 'Art and fear'. In Russian the second part of it's title was translated as 'A guide of survival for contemporary artists'. And it is really inspiring to hear, how similar the problems of arty people are - lack of confidence in yourself and your art, fear to fail, lack of support and understanding from others etc. As for me, I still feel very strange about being an artist - I know it's the only thing I can do and that I was ment to do, but the society I live in doesn't accept it well.. People consider me weird because I can't work in the office as they do, and because I see things in the other way they see, and have emotions different from theirs. In Russia it's still very unusual to do smth outstanding from things that are considered to be normal. Of course there many arty people who do what they love and succeed, but still the majority of people think very old-fashioned and too traditional and it's impossible to persuade them that life have changed and they don't have to do what they hate any longer, and that everyone can do whatever he wants and noone has a right to judge. Anyway, the book is really nice and helpful, I enjoyed it even though it took me only one hour to read it all))
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